1. 巴拉圭人喜欢面对面交流,比较看重人际关系。商务洽谈中,他们倾向于在建立个人关系后再讨论生意。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2592.html
2. 在商务会议中,巴拉圭人通常会在预定的时间之后到达,这被认为是正常的,不要对此感到惊讶。
3. 他们喜欢热情、友好的交往,建议在商务交流中充分展现尊重和友善。
4. 知道一些基本的西班牙语将对建立关系非常有帮助,因为西班牙语是巴拉圭的官方语言。
1. "Business Etiquette in Paraguay." International Business Seminars. (http://www.ibstours.com)
2. "Public holidays in Paraguay." Office Holidays. (http://www.officeholidays.com)
Paraguay is a country full of traditional customs and rich culture, and business interactions are full of these elements. Here are some important things to know when doing business with Paraguayans:
1. Paraguayans like face-to-face communication and value interpersonal relationships. In business negotiations, they tend to discuss business after establishing a personal relationship.
2. In business meetings, Paraguayans usually arrive after the scheduled time, this is considered normal, do not be surprised by this.