法国的海外省份(Départements d'outre-mer,缩写为DOM)是指在法国境外但仍作为法国政治和行政体系一部分的地区。以下是截至2021年9月的法国海外省份:
1. 法属圭亚那:位于南美洲的北部,东邻巴西,西靠苏里南,北面是大西洋。法属圭亚那的主要产业包括金矿开采和伐木业,此外也有欧洲航天局的酒泉卫星发射中心。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2624.html
2. 瓜德罗普:位于加勒比海,由多个岛屿组成。瓜德罗普的经济主要依赖于旅游业和农业,尤其是香蕉和甘蔗的种植。
3. 马提尼克:位于加勒比海,是著名的旅游和度假胜地,以其优美的海滩和风景著称。马提尼克的经济也主要依赖于旅游业和农业。
4. 留尼汪:位于印度洋,东临马达加斯加。留尼汪是一个重要的旅游目的地,以其独特的自然景观和活跃的火山而闻名。
5. 马约特:位于非洲东海岸的科摩罗群岛,被印度洋环绕。马约特的经济主要依赖于农业和渔业。
1. The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. (n.d.). The overseas departments and regions. Retrieved from https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files/overseas-departments-and-territories/
2. Encyclopædia Britannica. (n.d.). Overseas département. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/overseas-departement
French Overseas Departments (Départements d'outre-mer, abbreviated as DOM) are regions outside France that are still part of the French political and administrative system. Here are the French overseas departments as of September 2021:
1. French Guiana: Located in the northern part of South America, it borders Brazil to the east, Suriname to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. Major industries in French Guiana include gold mining and logging, as well as the European Space Agency's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.