1. Infogreffe(商业法院登记处):Infogreffe是法国所有商业和公司注册的官方网站。你可以在此网站上搜索公司的名称或注册号,然后获取相关的公司信息,包括税号。网站地址:https://www.infogreffe.fr/文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2629.html
2. INSEE(法国国家统计和经济研究所):INSEE提供了一个在线数据库,可以查询企业的SIREN号(注册号)或SIRET号(营业地点号)。网站地址:https://www.insee.fr/
1. "Infogreffe." Le réseau des greffes des tribunaux de commerce. https://www.infogreffe.fr/
2. "SIRENE - List of enterprises." INSEE. https://www.insee.fr/
When conducting business transactions in French Guiana, it is sometimes necessary to obtain a business registration and tax identification number. As an overseas territory of France, French Guiana has basically the same enterprise information inquiry system as mainland France. Here are some guidelines on how to make inquiries:
1. Infogreffe (Commercial Court Registry): Infogreffe is the official website for all commercial and company registers in France. You can search for a company's name or registration number on this site and get relevant company information, including a tax ID number. Website address: https://www.infogreffe.fr