对于企业来说,进口货物通常需要以下几个条件: 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3036.html
1. 具有在爱沙尼亚或欧盟注册的公司;
2. 获得爱沙尼亚税务局颁发的增值税(VAT)识别号;
3. 如适用,需在海关处注册并获得海关识别号(EORI号);
4. 有能力提供所有必需的进口文件,如发票、运输单据和原产地证明等。
1. "Import Procedures." Estonia Tax and Customs Board. www.emta.ee
2. "Customs duties and VAT for imports." Estonia Tax and Customs Board. www.emta.ee
Estonia, as a member of the European Union, has its own unique requirements and regulations for commercially imported goods. Whether it is an enterprise or an individual, understanding and complying with these regulations is the key to the smooth progress of import activities.
For enterprises, importing goods usually requires the following conditions:
1. Have a company registered in Estonia or the EU;
2. Obtain a Value Added Tax (VAT) identification number issued by the Estonian Tax Agency;