首先,塔林港(Port of Tallinn)是爱沙尼亚最大和最重要的港口,同时也是波罗的海最繁忙的港口之一。该港有5个主要的码头:旧城码头、穆岛码头、帕尔迪斯基码头、瓦纳萨达码头和库珀斯库码头,提供了大量的泊位。塔林港是由塔林港务局管理的,他们的网站是www.portoftallinn.com。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3038.html
其次,帕尔努港(Parnu Port)是爱沙尼亚西南部最大的港口,主要用于散货和集装箱运输,该港有多个泊位,对应的网站是www.portofparnu.ee。
此外,库雷萨雷港(Kuressaare Port)是位于萨雷马岛的一个重要港口,主要服务于游轮和货运船只,其网站为www.kuressaare.ee。
1. "Port of Tallinn." World Port Source. www.worldportsource.com
2. "Port of Parnu." www.portofparnu.ee
3. "Kuressaare Port." www.kuressaare.ee
Estonia, located in the southeast of the Baltic Sea, has a number of international ports and terminals to facilitate the development of international trade. Here are some major ports and terminals:
First of all, the Port of Tallinn is the largest and most important port in Estonia, as well as one of the busiest ports in the Baltic Sea. The port has 5 main terminals: Old City Terminal, Mu Island Terminal, Paldiski Terminal, Wanasada Terminal and Coopersku Terminal, providing a large number of berths. The Port of Tallinn is managed by the Tallinn Port Authority, their website is www.portoftallinn.com.