1. 马其顿海关(Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia):负责所有进口和出口货物的海关申报和检查。网址:https://customs.gov.mk/文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3100.html
2. 马其顿食品和兽医局(Food and Veterinary Agency):如果您的进口货物包括食品或者动物产品,这个机构将负责相关的检查和许可。网址:http://www.fva.gov.mk/
3. 马其顿公共卫生机构(Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia):进口医疗设备和药品,这个机构会负责相关的检查和许可。网址:http://iph.mk/?lang=en
4. 马其顿通信监管机构(Agency for Electronic Communications):如果您进口的商品包含无线电和电信设备,您可能需要与此机构进行沟通。网址:https://aek.mk/
1. "Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia." https://customs.gov.mk/
2. "Food and Veterinary Agency." http://www.fva.gov.mk/
3. "Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia." http://iph.mk/?lang=en
4. "Agency for Electronic Communications." https://aek.mk/
When importing goods into Macedonia, you may need to communicate with several government departments. Here are some major sectors that may require your attention:
1. Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia (Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia): Responsible for customs declaration and inspection of all imported and exported goods. URL: https://customs.gov.mk/
2. Macedonian Food and Veterinary Agency (Food and Veterinary Agency): If your imported goods include food or animal products, this agency will be responsible for relevant inspections and permits. URL: http://www.fva.gov.mk/