1. Reykjavík Freeport - 位于雷克雅未克,提供广泛的保税仓储服务,适合各类货物。其地址为 Sundahöfn, 104 Reykjavík,网站链接为 http://www.faxaports.is/。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3030.html
2. Keflavík Freeport - 这个保税区位于凯夫拉维克,靠近冰岛的主要国际机场。其地址为 Valhallarbraut 756, 235 Keflavík,网站链接为 https://www.keflavikairport.is/。
3. Akureyri Freeport - 位于冰岛北部的阿库雷里市,提供各种保税仓储服务。其地址为 Hörgárbakki 2, 600 Akureyri,网站链接为 http://port.is/。
1. "Reykjavík Freeport." Associated Icelandic Ports. http://www.faxaports.is/
2. "Keflavík Freeport." Keflavík Airport. https://www.keflavikairport.is/
3. "Akureyri Freeport." Port of Akureyri. http://port.is/
In Iceland, there is a growing demand for bonded warehouse services, especially bonded warehouses for containerized bulk cargo. The following are some of the main container bulk bonded warehouse companies in Iceland:
1. Reykjavík Freeport - located in Reykjavík, offers a wide range of bonded warehousing services for all types of cargo. Its address is Sundahöfn, 104 Reykjavík, and its website link is http://www.faxaports.is/.