马耳他商业服务局(Malta Business Registry, MBR)是管理马耳他所有公司信息的公共机构,包括公司注册号和其他相关的注册信息。你可以通过访问MBR的网站(https://registry.mbr.mt/ROC/)进行查询。查询公司信息是免费的,你只需要在搜索框内输入公司名字或者注册号就可以进行查询。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3222.html
1. "Company Search." Malta Business Registry. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
2. "Online Tax Services." Malta Inland Revenue Department. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
Jiuwen Freight Forwarder knows that it is very important to know a company's registration information and tax information for trade or other business activities. In Malta, you can check the company's registration number and tax ID number through the public platform. Below are the detailed steps on how to make an inquiry.
The Malta Business Registry (MBR) is the public agency that manages all company information in Malta, including company registration numbers and other relevant registration information. You can inquire by visiting the MBR website (https://registry.mbr.mt/ROC/). It is free to inquire about company information. You only need to enter the company name or registration number in the search box to inquire.