1. **马耳他海关部门** - 他们主要负责货物的进口,出口以及转口过程中的所有海关程序。你可以在他们的官方网站 https://customs.gov.mt/ 上找到更多关于他们服务的信息。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3224.html
2. **马耳他运输部门** - 这个部门负责所有与运输相关的法规,包括货物的进口和出口。他们的网站地址是 http://www.transport.gov.mt/。
3. **马耳他商业服务部门** - 他们提供关于进口和出口程序的广泛信息,包括必要的许可和执照。你可以访问他们的网站 http://www.businessfirst.com.mt/ 以获取更多信息。
1. "e-Customs." Malta Customs Department. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
2. "Transport Malta." Malta Transport Department. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
3. "Business First." Malta Business Services Department. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
When importing goods to Malta, Jiuwen Freight Forwarder understands that effective communication with key government departments is an important step to success. Here are a few departments you may need to contact:
1. **Malta Customs Department** - They are mainly responsible for all customs procedures during the import, export and re-export of goods. You can find more information about their services on their official website https://customs.gov.mt/.