1. **海关注册编码(EORI号)**:这是企业在欧盟进行进出口业务必须的注册编号,由海关发放。在马耳他,该号码由9个数字组成。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3227.html
2. **税号(VAT ID)**:VAT ID 是进行增值税交易必须的标识。在马耳他,VAT ID由字母 'MT' 开头,后跟8位数字。
3. **身份证号(ID Number)**:对于在马耳他注册的公司,将会获得一个身份证号,该号码由7位数字和1个字母组成。
4. **公司注册号(Company Registration Number)**:在马耳他商业登记局注册的公司将获得一个唯一的公司注册号。这是一个由C开头的5到6位数字的编码。
1. "Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number." EU Commission.
2. "VAT identification numbers." EU Commission.
3. "Identity Malta." Identity Malta Agency.
4. "Business Registers." Malta Business Registry.
To carry out import business in Malta, enterprises need to understand and obtain a series of key numbers, including but not limited to customs registration code, tax number, ID number and company registration number. Jiuwen Freight Forwarder will analyze these key numbers for you in detail.
1. **Customs registration number (EORI number)**: This is the registration number necessary for enterprises to conduct import and export business in the EU, issued by the customs. In Malta, the number consists of 9 digits.