在以色列,他们非常重视家庭,宗教信仰以及传统习俗。犹太教规定的犹太人的安息日(Shabbat)即每周五日落到周六日落是非常重要的,这段时间内许多以色列人不从事商业活动或劳动。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3242.html
以色列的标准工作日为周日至周四,周五和周六是周末。重要的公共假期包括逾越节(Passover)、犹太新年(Rosh Hashanah)、赎罪日(Yom Kippur)以及光明节(Hanukkah)等,这些假期期间,许多企业和政府机构会关闭。
1. "Israel: Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette." Commisceo Global. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
2. "Public Holidays in Israel in 2023." Office Holidays. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
Israel is a diverse country with a rich culture and deep historical traditions. When dealing with or doing business with Israelis, it is important to understand their cultural customs, way of life and pace of work.
In Israel, they attach great importance to family, religious beliefs and traditional customs. The Jewish Sabbat (Shabbat) stipulated by Judaism is very important every Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. During this period, many Israelis do not engage in business activities or labor.